
The adventure of Moments knitting patterns began with mother’s hands by the side during childhood afternoons. That was the seed of a life-long passion for knitting and crocheting for Griselda Zárate. In 2017 she began designing knitting patterns and selling them in Ravelry and sending submissions to third party publishers. Her designs have appeared in Apple Tree Knits 2017 Collection; Knit Picks various collections; I Like Knitting Magazine, Stitched.Zone, and Wool Studio, most recently in Laine Magazine Issue 13, and Less Traveled Yarn 5 C’s Pattern Collection.

Life is moments piled one upon the other. Sometimes these moments are filled with joy and happiness. Sometimes, they are moments of self-reflection; and sometimes, these very moments are the anchor to guide us through difficult times. The knitting patterns presented here are a recollection of all types of moments in life. They try to capture the emotion of a moment in a simple and elegant way.


For questions or doubts, please contact: momentsknits@gmail.com